Jeffrey Sachs follows both the money and the narrative, and he's been consistently correct in his analysis for decades. That's why they stopped letting him on corporate media years ago.

I trust Sachs enough to recommend this particular video without even watching first, for I've seen many others of his on the same subject. Sach's knowledge of the history of the lead-up to, and maliciously deliberate continuation of, the Ukraine War, is unmatched.

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Thank you Prof. Sachs!! All very true , but it is way above what many people have the ability to understand. The far right has finally

Seized There rewards of dumbing down the population . " This is what the votes for . Hope it works out well for them, I am much less optimistic for the poor people of Ukraine?

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Thank you, Prof. Sachs ! The sad part of this is that speaking of facts way above many Americans who live in delusion.

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I suspect that with the approaching Trump tsunami there won't be room for 'delusions'.

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Trump has succeeded in cementing the delusion of Russiagate, along with the mainstream narrative that Prof. Sachs is pushing back against. From now on, the public will believe that Ukraine lost the war because Trump sold them down the river.

And that Trump is a Russian asset.

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While I am no Trump sycophant, calling him the liar-in-chief is a bit rich. He has been closer to the mark on the issues Sachs addresses than any other President in recent times (not for lack of trying).

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For a very long time I have tried to give Trump the benefit of the doubt and he has failed the litmus test too many times. I do not single him out though. Lying is so deeply ingrained in our political culture we should all be very concerned. We the public are much too gullible. Trump tends towards demagoguery.

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Just listening to this now. A wise and courageous man speaking truth.

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I was pretty sure at the time that even 9/11 was concocted in concert with Netanyahu and mossad. So, i’d Iraq was his too, it fits.

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I have great admiration for Prof. Sachs. He certainly tells it like it is - like too many don't want to hear yet should/must. His memory is phenomenal.

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