Oiled up my sidearm going back to work as armed security. The "mall type security" is unarmed and No Security. BYO, EDC is a must, with training.


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Long before America can declare 'war on war'...Americans' inborn penchant for violence needs to be eradicated. And I don't see this happening any time soon...Alas.

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Americans have been programmed for violence and war (just as we have), and they can be re-programmed for peace. Yes, it is not going to happen over night. We are talking about generational change. As Mead suggests are we still capable of social invention? Do we have to hit bottom before we realize the need for it? America is like the alcoholic or drug addict that has to be rehabilitated. I am quite prepared for the possibility that the West is so dysfunctional it may be beyond redemption. We have dug ourselves a very big hole and the first step forward is to stop digging!

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And how are we going to stop those diggings so avidly???

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impossible to stop digging in the presence of the powerful military industrial complex "and political elites , bought and paid for, are the cheerleaders of war ".

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