No, I am not saying that but...with all our 'civilization', 'education', supposedly moral high standards and all the other crap the white race claims...the white race certainly excels at wars. Yes, other ethnicities do their 'share' too, but not bragging as much as we do about 'human rights' and such.

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Extremely well written and succinct. Thank you.

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I am not an historian or any such but...it seems to me that most of the destructive wars that have been fought in the last 200 years have all been initiated by the white race. And the aim of too many of these wars has been to conquer, plunder, destroy non-white societies.

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Yes, to all of the above. It is also worth noting that this is the third world war in just over a hundred years-all three originating in white societies . Christians fought the crusades and more than their share of wars through out history. Europe is fully loaded with retired imperialists/colonizers, and has had an exclusive franchise on imperialism for 400 hundred years.

The American empire in too many ways mimics the British empire that came before, both wantonly brutal. Notice even today how Washington and London so often work in close collaboration.

While other races have had their wars the white race takes top honors for being bloody minded pugilists.

It is laughable when Washington accuses Russia or China as being imperialist, when it is the greatest interventionist war monger the world has ever seen, and probably ever will see.

China and Russia have cultural maturity and forbearance the brash collective West would do well to emulate instead of being a bunch of crazy cowboys shooting on sight.

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PS... Imperialism is by definition ethnocentric racism.

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I often say...no wonder the Yanx and the Brits get along so well. Remind them that neither is exceptional - exceptionable, yes.

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The "white" west seems to have held the majority of the population for quite some time and Britain being the most successful in colonizing other countries as well as the US which followed along in their footsteps as far as creating a financial and industrially successful nation. In spite of the Revolution, ties remain. The fact is that the success of both nations including Europe has had all of it's institutions infiltrated and robbed by the millenia old Satanic Khazarian Mafia which has lead us to the heinous situation we currently are caught up in. Don't believe me, do your homework instead of arguing. We are not all Satanic so please stop lumping us all into one category.

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Then why all the anti-white hatred and repression we are currently seeing?

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Could it be that after a good 300 years of white race 'exceptionalism' the non-whites have had enough? Today's news go around the world almost instantly so communicating and spreading the word is done easily. Will there ever be atonement?

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Are you saying that the white race is the only one starting wars, committing atrocities? And it's ALL whites? No, sorry, other ethnicities have done their share. Wake up.

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