It seems to me that today the 'social media' is the present-day 'bible'.

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I have been looking for my "election Manifesto"(!) that I posted to one of your articles.

I can't remember where!

It would be good to have Diana peruse that and see where the alternative 'may' come from.

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Thank you, great article!

The new Trudeau govt (2015) promised to never have another election under first-past-the-post, and asked for proposals for a better system. So I wrote out the detailed proposal, which would actually work, because you must understand that voting is an emotional issue not a logical exercise. Anyway, I sent that to the committee. Nothing came of it. It seemed to me, that they were searching the entire country for someone with the answer. I sent them the full answer. So I asked what happened to my proposal. “We did not find consensus on that” or words to that effect. So if 51% of the population had sent in MY proposal, it would then have a chance? What fools! Some people are SLOWLY beginning to figure out this PM is a turkey. I never has that problem, I could see from my first sight of him (I can read faces) that he is an air-head. But Peter Mansbridge said that Justin “is a man of substance,” so I considered to see how this turns out. Remember, Mansbridge always sucked up to Harper, handling his interviews of him with kidd gloves, not to ask any really serious questions. But it turns out, Justin is a clown like Trump; a different clown no doubt, but a clown none the less. I simply call him “The Fruit,” as in banana, to be specific, as per his Dark Face juvenile routine. Now, foolish people are asking, will he “go for a walk in the snow,” like Pierre did? Well, you see, they still don’t get it, his dad was a real person, not a fruit. Margaret did not go for a walk in the snow; Justin is Momma’s boy, duh. But Sophie DID “go for a walk” and I would love to have her story!! Then there was that time Justin declared himself to be a feminist! The butt-grabber, a “feminist”? I had this nasty revolting feeling, but also something MUCH deeper- a deep revulsion like I’ve never felt before. But in the upcoming election, all we have are The Fruit, a jerk, a wimp and the only real person in the leadership of a party, Elizabeth May (Green Party).

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Dear Mr. Billyard,

I know this might be hard to believe but given everything that you’ve accurately pointed out is why what I’ve come up with is so relevant as to how we should go about trying to save ourselves from ourselves and save ourselves from AI.

What I’ve come up with is both the roadmap and vehicle to get to where we need to strive to get to, which is what Daniel Schmachtenberger refers to as the “Third Attractor” or what I refer to as “The State of Being Nice”.

I know that sounds like psychobabble but it’s not.


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I'm also Canadian and worked on the PR campaign in BC five years ago. What a disappointment! If all ridings had voted the way ours did, we'd at least have pro rep in BC.

Our political class is such a disappointment. One ray of hope I see is Avi Lewis using his influence. He's an amazing activist, and is Canadian NDP royalty, being the son of Stephen Lewis and the grandson of David Lewis.

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