It seems to me that getting John Doe (and Jane too) interested in anything...posted on Social Media or time is wasted.

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I agree, they are the types who go to political conventions and pray for rain that isn't going to happen, and then retreat into their honied hives of indifference in their multichannel universe of voyeurism boring themselves to death.

As has been said so many times change comes about through the efforts of a small group of determined individuals.

That said there has never been a time in world history where there is so much is at stake . We are in a date with destiny where the future of the world is going to be decided in the next 20 or so years. It is a another "thirty year war" being fought on global scale. Tragically the West is on the wrong side of history holding the world hostage to its crazy delusional megalomania

The above will be a addressed in a forthcoming blog I am working on.

Always good to hear from you, stay safe,


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