When I was a high school student and also the first year at University that next year I left, the Student Movements in Europe were all fighting against NATO, flags were burned in the streets and big sign on the walls "Out of Nato".

That Nato was and is the arm of the neo Nazi Americans that occupy Washington since WWII, it's pretty well known at that time by those students. That btw were only 15% of all students. But when they were marching in the streets u better stayed away from them.

After 1985/89 all this protest disappeared as our generation had to work, take care of families and so on.

After my generation and the closest ones, nothing, the complete null.

Recently an investigation of the never ending Trial on the dramatic explosion of a huge amount of explosive at Bologna Station on August 2, 1980 brought up some truth: the explosive was from Nato military base and was brought to the Station by a well known fascist criminal gang for Nato.

Nato in recent disclosed documents by Brits Intelligence is behind also Gladio, a secret army that was supposed to defend Europe from Soviets, but instead was used to oragnize terrorism around Europe, Italy and Germany in particular.

Few weeks ago I was so impressed by a picture shot in Rome during a young students manifestation: 3/4 of them were burning a Nato flag again...

It really warmed my heart but as we all know there will be no future for them and their actions, as long as Americans keep voting and supporting neo Nazi in their Government, no matter if Democrats or Republicans. You guys have choose neo Nazi before and after WWII and u keep supporting them!

Until USA will keep beeing the United Criminals of America there will be no hope and no future for young generations.

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Thanks for your comment. It would be a very different world now if NATO had been disbanded in 1991 after the fall of the USSR. That it wasn't should have set off a lot of alarm bells.

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After this war I'm asking myself was Gorbacev same as Wojtila Pope, so a CIA collaborator to disrupt Soviets?

Few weeks ago in a train trip I met this couple: he's got a restaurant, wife is Russian. We had a lovely conversation during 2 hrs trip and she told me something I didn't know, she said: "Why Ukrainians should fight with Russia when 2 Ukrainians were President of soviet USSR: Stalin and Krushov?...

But to me sorry I do believe that Nato was never meant to be an Alliance against Soviet. Nato was the excuse to keep under control Europe by all neo Nazi US Governamnts. I mean we, europeans, never went to Korea, Vietnam, South America or Iraq, Afghanistan to start wars or organize terror and coups... a part from the other Nazi Britts that are not europeans at all.

So of course USA never thought to dismount Nato especially after the success of Wojtila action in Poland and the Berlin wall.

Problem is USA not Nato. Destroy USA Empire as it has been for the last 70 yrs and Nato will fall.

Take care

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Will Russia be blamed till the end of time??? Isn't it time the West finally started looking at its own nefarious actions...and admitting them, instead of covering them up? But of course, expecting some integrity would be asking for too much.

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Thank you for telling the world the true belligerent and monstrous nature of NATO and the events leading up to the Ukraine conflict.

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