There is a saying in Spanish...'estan buscando algo que no se les ha perdido'...ie looking for something they haven't lost. Looking for trouble at all costs...It is as if the entire Anglo/Saxon world is hoping for war. :-( - and as long as Zelensky keeps pulling the strings...

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What was America has been stolen by a long list of traitors, insurrectionists and Zombie politicians , up to and including presidents, and corporatists. Democracy is easy pickin's once bad people get hold of it.

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Let us stop calling it 'democracy' because it has been 'democracy' since a long time ago. "Kleptocracy" would be one alternative.

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Democracy has faded incrementally over many decades and now lost. It may never recover and the alternative is fascist totalitarianism now so deeply rooted. The arrival of neoliberalism in the 1980's vastly accelerated its demise.

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The word 'democracy' is being used to scare us into silence and fear.

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Should read...it hasn't been 'democracy'....

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PS: I should have said...'as long as Zelensky is ALLOWED to pull the strings'...

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I notice that Stoltenberg got the position of NATO chief AFTER that human sacrifice allegedly performed by Anders Brevik

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Europeans enjoy going to war. For centuries they fought against each other and they destroyed each other. They didn’t learn anything from history and millions of people perished during World War II. Stoltenberg himself doesn’t want peace.

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That’s right, we Europeans have a history of fighting with each other. What’s interesting though is that United States which maintained military presence in Europe post WWII, to keep “America in, Russia out and Germany down”, continues that presence to this day. Somewhere along the way they figured that pacifying Europe is good, and profitable, but turning Europe collectively into anti Russian proxy is better.

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Please explain what you mean by that.

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Thank you for your post.

Stoltenberg may seem like a lunatic, but he’s just a figurehead whose primary responsibility is to shave every morning and dress nicely. If he’s genuinely concerned about China’s growing nuclear arsenal, he should consider advocating for an updated INF treaty that includes not only Russia and the United States but other countries as well.

In reality, everything is going according to a plan to place nuclear weapons in Ukraine. If Russia is provoked into using tactical nukes, it will be celebrated in the West as a PR victory, marking Russia as part of the elite club of countries that have used atomic bombs. If Russia hesitates, which is unlikely, the US/NATO will have missiles just five minutes from Moscow, enhancing their first-strike capability.

Meanwhile, they will continue to pressure Moscow, attempting to orchestrate a color revolution and achieve regime change, hoping that whoever replaces Putin will capitulate to US demands. Wishful thinking.

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⛔️☢️ NEVER AGAIN MEANS~ PreMeditated HumanSacrifice-For-PersonalGains, CRIMINAL Depravity must NEVER be granted the same BROKEN BRAIN-HEALTH status as mental illness ☢️⛔️

Lest We get led or Tempted to fall into Legal Leniency Traps like Plausible Deniability, DeProgrammed or Rehabilitated

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A famous saying by political scientist Samuel Huntington

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