Democracy is dead? It never born Sir. And if it was growing somewhere, CIA and US/UK nazi imperialists have shut it down immediately with coups, wars and assassinations.

The democratic participation of people or elections are chump bait. History tells not me certainly. ;)

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Yes it is

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Essay is right out of the park.

Concise, well supported and connected with most of the important points covered.

All the points I have considered, but not in this connected fashion.

Every once in a while, I get the feeling I have been educated, and I appreciate the widening of the space between my ears.

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For three decades the US has sought to dominate and control the world. by whatever means necessary. Nevertheless, it appears that AIPAC, representing a country of about seven million people, is now dictating foreign, and sometimes domestic, policy of the the new hegemon, whose own people have lost faith in all its important institutions, whose health system ranks 42nd among developed countries of the world, and whose life expectancy continues to decline. This cannot and will not continue for very long.

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Thank you, fine perspective! And now, "The Fruit" has terminated the last of his intelligent cabinet ministers. If The Man from Goldman Sachs becomes Finance Minister, Bank of Canada gov should also resign. We have one narcissistic clown coming to power in USA; our slightly different clown should exit stage left. Test essay question: When did capitalism and democracy become one? What did John Dewey say in 1905? - "Politics is the shadow cast upon society by big business."

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Dewey's statement says it so perfectly!

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"And now, "The Fruit" has terminated the last of his intelligent cabinet ministers."

Is this referring to Crystia Freeland?

Princess of the Ukraine Project? (Queen was Vicki)

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Yes, but I don't like her, although highly intelligent, she remains an air head. My favorite sport would be watching Rosemary Barton tearing her to shreds (easily done). Yes, the Ukraine folly stinks, one merely has to declare Ukraine , Poland and the Baltic states to be neutral nations with all 4n troops out.

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I think both Freeland and Joly have the eyes set on the PMO, neither are suitable as Freeland is a George Soros disciple with questionable Neo-Nazi family roots to the Ukraine regime about to collapse. Joly like Trudeau is a political dilettante. The Liberals, like the US Democrats they so like to emulate, are in deep doodoo.

Canadians fail to realize we have a political party crisis of own just like the Americans, all as part of the democratic crisis of the West. Poilievre like Trump is a fake populist .

Just as an aside... Proportionate Representation is blocked because it would go a long way to re-democratizing Canada. Fair Vote Canada has done a great job making the case for PR but is being stonewalled. Tedious Trudeau has stated publically he will not entertain PR because those are his instructions from his corporate masters.

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After the 2015 election, I made the best submission to the commons committee studying election systems. But, even after seeking anyone in the country who could come up with a good idea, they dismissed it since there was no consensus. Duh, if enough people already had the good idea, then you don’t need to call for submissions.

The severe problem with prop-rep is it is the opposite of democracy, which would be local town-hall meetings where you must defend your proposal; consensus is formed locally. In prop-rep, consensus-building is forced onto the floor of the legislature in perpetual minority govts. People just don’t understand the issue of trying to actually coalesce enough power to actually govern. The present system just needs an adjustment so that there is a run-off election until some candidate wins by more than 50%. That also gives the voter some idea of what the other voters are doing, rather than the present “retribution box” secret ballot in which emotions rather than reason reign. It is the party system that is the problem - the leader should be chosen by caucus not by party members. Local constituencies should decide the candidate not the party leader. Presently party leaders have too much power. In Preston Manning’s jacket pocket were pre-signed resignation papers from his inner circle. I’ve worked in the system at constituency level, I know the problems, esp with funding.

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I will be writing about the party system and its many failings in the coming weeks, I look forward to your feedback.

I strongly agree with your last point, our parties are too leadercentric.

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Fully agree, however the issue of Romania's cancelled ascent of the newly elected president looks like another "Saving Democ(k)racy" event.

Very happy that Georgia prevailed.

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"Democracy" = the will of the people. Is it? It has become more the 'will of big money' and this happened long time ago. Corrupting through monetary power...

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In thinking on it,was there ever?

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You hit the nail right on the head :-)

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