As Unfortunate as it is, here again, you’re exactly correct.

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Thank you sir. I’m reading more of your stuff-highly insightful and most of all, accurate. I’m new to Substack and I’m enjoying everything so far. X has become just another cesspool since the Musk takeover. I did want to be clear that I do agree with your premise about Biden - he’s a vacillating, cheating, corrupt scoundrel and always has been-now he’s senile to boot. But I do believe he’s being handled’ by those around him, for sure. I can’t vote for Biden-foolish. Not Trump-he’s too megalomaniacal and narcissistic. Leaning to RFK-at least he seems to have a semblance of honesty. But voting for a Kennedy makes me throw up in my mouth a bit. Thanks again for your recommendation-I’ll check it out. Best Regards, KBM

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"There are school bullies…and then there are Americans - who have nothing to offer the world, just complete destruction. (an acquaintance in the US ashamed of being a US citizen)"...I think this speaks volumes...and it is sad. Is the entire Anglo/Saxon world so high on drugs not to realize this?

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A big issue vis a vis the relationship between the citizens and the elected: as soon as someone is voted in any constituency most citizens go into mind neutral and elevate their bevoted to an "elite' status, which feedback to the elected is read as PERMISSION and ACCEPTANCE.

In 1978 (I was 18)I accompanied my mother to a Lieberal fundraiser at the Capilano Gardens Restaurant featuring PET in the flesh. There was a line up to shake hands with PET, I didn't participate but my mother, well, I swear she had an existential orgasm when shaking PET's hand! Ha! ha!

All he said to her was, "I deeply thank you for your vision and generous support". with that, mom says, "Such an incredible man! I am going to donate $1000 this campaign!"

And this kind of behaviour still obviously exists, although much more metastasized.

Disclaimer: I voted Rhino.

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Listening to foreign leaders and not thinking the US is correct all the time.

There used to be thoughtful discussions but now we get nothing!

Biden is hiding in plain sight.

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A thoughtful essay though I at this point am very cautious of laying much at all at Biden’s feet. He’s a puppet of Barack Obama and behind him is George Soros. I’m unsure how much the Clintons contribute-since the loss in 2016, Hillbillary have, in my estimation, been largely defanged. I feel though that they’re magnanimously along for the ride, as it were. Oddly enough, I do see a relationship emerging between Biden and the military industrial complex-strange bed fellows and all that. And reminiscent of The Phantom Menace, something elusive is afoot. What’s in a name? Democrats and Republicans are no longer holding sway-there are more independents than ever, or liberal republicans, conservative democrats. It’s all very odd.

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If only we had some clue as to how bad Biden would be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IxJq15bQg4

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