When reckless power becomes pathos
Humankind has never had a greater capacity for destroying planet earth, and committing the ultimate pathos.
The fools of Washington are trying to escalate a war already lost for the sake of an election that doesn’t matter in the least, and already lost by the Democrats. This is pure pathos… Playing partisan politics on the lunatic fringe by an administration trapped by its abject failures.
Viewing art is always a worthwhile undertaking especially Greek and Roman busts as we see above. Many years a go I was in a gallery with a full room of Roman busts. It was a spooky experience as many were so realistic they appeared to be alive and looking back at me. It was like walking among the dead brought back to life by very talented stone carvers. Many were of the Roman middle class who employed artists to do their portraits. Even though they were 2000 years old some could be mistaken for a next door neighbor who passed away much more recently.
Many busts were of emperors and warriors, as the power brokers of their time. In their time life expectancy was half of what it is now. Alexander the Great conquered the known world by age of 32 and was poisoned by the age of 34 by one of his vanquished enemies.
Those until very recently who didn’t die of wars, famine and genocides could be struck down by any number of diseases, now extinct or easily treatable.
We have lost our connection and perspective with what it is to be alive or dead, and the very sanctity of what it is to be alive. Zombiism is no longer the just the stuff of Hollywood movies, and just maybe, they have played a role in establishing the cultures of the living dead.
Especially so, in what we call “post modern” times appearing as post barbaric times retreating into neofeudalism. It appears Western Civilization has become world weary and running down the road to self-annihilation and spitefully taking the rest of the world with it.
In many ways I see the wars and genocides of the present as a battle between the living and the near dead and their zombification. I see the living as the students, demonstrators and dissidents world wide who speak for truth and humanity. They are the future insisting on a better future for themselves, others and future generations. These are the selfless peoples defending life and liberty in the face the of wanton murder, death and destruction.
The near dead, the zombies, are power brokers of the West, the warmongers the money changers, the prestitutes, having sold their souls for power and profit.
The power brokers of the West said farewell long ago to any vestiges of human decency and idealism. They are married to the power and the megalomania that destroyed their souls, to where they are incessant liars, completely self indulgent and infantalized by power and money.
Aging senators slander history and the truth, bureaucrats know no diplomacy, press secretaries are paid to lie— to where there every utterance is self mockery. Aspiring politicians kiss bombs wishing a merciless death on others— 70,000 tons at a time. Politicians who kiss babies on one hand and then preside over them being ripped apart in tented cities from hell that were supposed to be sanctuaries.
They lie, they cheat, they steal only because they cannot face consequences of their hideous failures ; or are pathological indifferent to the horrors they have wrought. Gone is the future of senile old men, gone is their rational judgment, gone is their integrity, having practised reckless power for too long.
When power is based on a false narrative of lies, propaganda and deceit it is very vulnerable to collapse, and a dramatic collapse on steroids.
When power is exercised where there is no accountability and no regard for consequences it is out of touch with reality.
Where new powers are emerging the despicable Wolfowitz Doctrine and its forever wars is not the appropriate response, but only serves as an unholy death wish for Humankind.
When the Ukraine war started in February of 2022 I said to myself “it is one war too many.” The empire suffering overreach and blowback was desperately fighting a rearguard action. War is many things with many aspects. Now it serves a most critical function as revelation. The revelation that reckless power so quickly becomes pathos. The pathos of blind self-destruction.
These revelations become guide posts for the reform of Western civiliization as West and East learn from each other and learn to live in an essential harmony as is essential for the survival of planet.
Humankind has never had a greater capacity for destroying planet earth and committing the ultimate pathos.
Are the courts going to hold Biden accountable? Read more:
Globalist End Game:
Let us all agree on a plausible alternate candidate for the democratic vote and get behind that person.