United Nations in the Hot Seat
The United Nations faces a critical test for its future as mediator of world issues. Will it suffer the same fate as the League of Nations? Mere window dressing for more wars?
The world is threatened by wars and militarism like never before.
Where are those speaking for peace?
The silence of leaders who should be speaking for peace is deafening and despicable.
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is in the hot seat regarding the sabotage of the Nordstream pipelines. Russia has filed a request for an investigation by the UNSC. American Economist Jeffrey Sachs, and Ray McGovern CIA (Ret.) made compelling presentations to the UNSC.
Needless to say this investigation comes at a critical time in world history. Many delegates in their response to the presentations stressed the importance of an impartial and fair assessment of what happened. The UNSC could pussyfoot the issue or deliver a rebuke to the guilty party. In other words it can make a political decision or one based on the evidence. There are many instances in the past when it has equivocated when it should have been decisive .
The leaders of NATO countries have betrayed their populations to war and chaos.
This is an essential issue that must be addressed!
The USA has a heavy-handed intimidating presence in the UN. It is the majority funder of the UN and has withheld and limited funding to damper the UN’s involvement and effectiveness in world affairs. In many ways Washington uses the UN as an adjunct to its foreign policy.
In 2003 US Secretary of State Colin Powell openly lied to the UNSC which resulted in the invasion and total destruction of Iraq followed by a decade of economic sanctions that killed 400,000 children.
The League of Nations, predecessor to the United Nations, was dissolved in 1946 as WW ll left it discredited. The UN is in a similar situation today. If it cannot effectively and impartially pass judgement on this issue it might very well suffer the same fate as the League of Nations.
There is an irrefutable chain of evidence leading to the USA as the culprit. US leaders, beginning with President Biden, have been so foolish as to brag and gloat about their vile act in public.
As a new world order is rapidly emerging the UN must show itself to be a strong and effective force for mediating international issues.
The UNSC is in the hot seat.
The video of the proceedings is here . …. and well worth watching!
As long as the UN is located in the US, as long as the US calls the shots at the UN not much will change. Move the UN back to Switzerland and we might stand a chance.