Three words of warning: Imperialist, Preemptive, Criminal (IPC)
NATO's moral compass has been shattered for a long time and the world is paying an unconscionable price. WW lll is an IPC war.
We are bombarded with endless reports on the present world crisis on a daily basis, some true, some fiction. There are only three words we have to understand; Imperialist, Preemptive, Criminal.
This is NATO’s imperial war for global hegemony. It is holding the world community hostage to its wars, and they are all about money and who controls it. The American dollar is crashing as the world’s reserve currency and its global extortion racket is coming to an end. It speaks for only 12% of the world’s population and is arrogantly trying to impose its will on the other 88%. NATO is psychotically blocking the planet’s essential transition to a multipolar new world order where all nations have a greater share of the world’s wealth; not just concentrated with narrow oligarchic elites.
Preemption is the name of the game for NATO and this dates back to the Bush Doctrine and its corollary the Wolfowitz Doctrine. These doctrines make the audacious claim the US/NATO can undertake preemptive war where and when there is a challenge to its global dominance. This also meshes with its fatuous claim of Full Spectrum Dominance(FSD).
It is preemptive of the fundamental rights of other countries. It is also a sociopathic preemption blocking world progress toward a new and more just multipolar world order. It is a preemption of civil behavior toward all other peoples of the world.
This war is a criminal undertaking as it automatically negates every nation’s right to exist as free sovereign entities. To say one country, any country, can be allowed to dominate the globe is a recipe for global fascism. There must always be accountability and a balance of power among nations of the world.
It is profoundly obvious that for the planet to survive there must be peaceful co- existence among all nations, practicing reciprocity, mutual respect and adherence to binding international law. The era of rogue super powers and war mongering self-immolating empires must be relegated to the dust bin of history.
As the US prepares for war against China this is a catastrophic blunder for the whole world collectively, as we are all led further into the abyss of endless conflict.
Pundits are predicting 2023 as the most important year in world history where war can become total disaster for the planet. America’s premier think tank the Rand Corporation warns the US cannot afford a prolonged war. This is self-evident when we consider the lingering reverberations of WW ll still haunt us seventy five years later.
Western populations are being duped into war against both Russia and China by deeply rooted cross generational propaganda and perception management to justify NATO’s global belligerence. We are seeing the age old treachery of “divide and conquer” which is a war crime by any standard. Whether its is a fabricated foreign enemy or a politician’s own constitutents to divide is to conquer.
The world must return to a civil equilibrium at the earliest possible date. The world community must insist on it. WW lll is an IPC war.
Consensus must rule over conflict.
Amen brother.
.....yet we hear endless accusations from the US of Chinese aggression , “ the US empire is guilty of everything it accuses its enemies of doing “