The Neoliberal Curse: When Western Politicians are frauds in empty suits
Western politicians are now couched fraudsters goose-steeping in empty suits, their pockets stuffed with cash and their honorifics counterfeit.
“As Steve Keen describes the centrist political game: “The Party in power runs Neoliberal policies; it loses the next election to rivals who, when they get in power, also run neoliberal policies. They then lose, and the cycle repeats.” European elections, like this November’s one in the United States, are largely a protest vote – with voters having nowhere else to go except to vote for the populist nationalist parties promising to smash this status quo. This is continental Europe’s counterpart to Britain’s Brexit vote.”—
As in the quote above voters get to “protest” but are otherwise disenfranchised. Political parties and politicians are hirelings enforcing the neoliberal narrative.
I first became aware of neoliberalism by reading Noam Chomsky’s, Profit Over People. It was an alarming book starting with the introduction written by Robert W. McChesney. He defined neoliberalism and the effects it has on society and we are now seeing how totally ruinous it is on an entire civilization.This ruination will be of long standing and a daunting challenge to restore any semblance of liberal democracy which we have paid lip service for too long and is now non-existent.
We live in hermetically sealed off societies where the truths that destroy us are walled off by endless propaganda, political and historical illiteracy, denialist passivity and weapons of mass distraction. Leaving us totally oblivious to the ruinous ideologies deeply embedded in our societies and left to run free rein.
Neoliberalism can only thrive where democracy is eradicated and this is a stated goal of the ideology; to enfeeble government to where it is no longer functional and the whims of the very wealthy and powerful prevail over all other considerations, with endless war and social degeneration all pervasive.
Under neoliberalism voters are disenfranchised becoming audiences to the travesty politics has become.
Incompetent leaders like Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau left in power indicate the party system is broken and corrupted. In a functioning democracy they would be held accountable by their parties; as it is the political parties are now bought and paid for and riding the neoliberal gravy train.
Meanwhile their neoliberal masters wage their endless wars and profiteering by stealing the wealth of nations and enslaving their populations.
The fact that we are spectators to such flagrant acts of war, violence and barbarism takes the measure of how effectively the rich and powerful have succeeded in crushing the societies they parasitically exploit with their rapacious freedom from impunity. “Democracy” has been reduced to the ragged veil behind which despotism thrives.
If allowed to run free of the social system, capitalism will attempt to corrupt and undermine democracy, which is after all not a natural state.—John Ralston Saul
Western elites see themselves as invincible and refuse to see a new and more just multipolar world order is emerging that speaks for the majority while they steadfastly maintain the hideous pretense the world is theirs to exploit. They refuse to acknowledge the tyranny they perpetuate and vainly try to maintain control from a minority position when their criminal recalcitrance is ultimately destructive to all.
Their obstinance is a refusal to accept the world as it is; insisting on their delusional hegemonic ambition of a global dictatorship. Instead of repudiating war and the ruinous ideologies destroying the West they fight on courting there own collapse when their only salvation is to rebuild: to Make America Great Against (MAGA) . But MAGA is no more than a shoddy political cliché as it proponents are fake populists, with neither the will or political talent to realize such a lofty and challenging goal.
As it stands now rebuilding Western democracies requires statesmanship and state craft; skills totally absent and the first steps required would be repudiating, war neoliberalism and restoring legitimate governance. This will only happen over time, if ever. The West has to under go major change decades in the making.
Undertaking MAGA would require repudiating war and neoliberalism, militarism, and predatory corporate capitalism disconnected from social restraints and obligations— in other words a renewal of the social contract for the long suffering people of the republic. Politicians betrayed the Republic to pursue empire. Now the Republic needs to be rebuild and reconstituted and the empire is fading… time is not on America’s side. American historian and political scientist Chalmers Johnson warned decades ago”You can have democracy or empire but not both,” ultimately ending up with neither.
The empire feeds on a steady diet of racist imperialism scapegoating and vilifying other countries to justify its criminal wars. Incessant war mongering is a refusal to accept diplomacy, consensus and compromise — These are unacceptable to NATO led by the USA as their lust for world power is absolute and war is the only way to achieve this delusional objective. NATO is the iron fist intended to bloody the world into submission.
Chinese president Xi Jinping has stated more than once the world is big enough for both China and America— but Washington(as the seat of empire) can only see the world as hostile threats as it is the long standing warfare state captive to the Military Industrial Congressional Complex (MICC) and the Deep State.
The neoliberal curse is when is too much wealth and power is in too few hands and the wrong hands. The empty suits are bribed, losing wars abroad as they crush their own societies.
An Ideology: “is a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.” An ideology is also comparable to an “operating system.“ Democracy is the process where by we conduct our affairs and govern ourselves. Where it is flawed or corrupted so are the resulting policy decisions.
The most common example of an ideology is “democracy” but others are always present in a given society, some good, some bad, some utterly ruinous. Democracy is most effective when it is both responsible and representative. Capitalism becomes predatory, as it is now, without social or governmental restraints. Capitalism and neoliberalism are interlocking ideologies and shown themselves as killers of democracy and socialism— which is where we are today.
The decline and fall of the West we are now seeing is the reckless and unguarded pursuit of too many ruinous ideologies. In 1980’s when Thatcher, Reagan and other’s let loose the neoliberal ideology it was the abdication of government, real governance and the death knell of Western Civilization. The so called corporate free market neoliberal economy was left to steamroll over government accelerating the cancerous growth of militarism, and the frequency of corporate wars for corporate profits. Corporate power is now in the driver’s seat with authoritarianism and totalitarianism on the rise.
When 31 NATO vassal states go to war against a major trading partner(Russia) at the drop of a hat without any regard for the fate of their populations or national economies that is neoliberal cannibalism. When a sitting US president openly condones and supports genocide that is the ultimate foolishness of a doddering neoliberal politician. When a war criminal guilty of genocide addresses the US Congress and gets 52 standing ovations from bought, bribed and soulless politicians that is the ultimate self-denigration of government.
Western politicians are now couched fraudsters goose-steeping in empty suits, their pockets stuffed with cash and counterfeit honorifics.
At the risk of sounding 'old fashioned'...what ever happened to 'honesty is the best policy'? It seems to me that, in today's world, DISHONESTY is the only way to advance and never mind over how many bodies one has to climb. Manure always manages to float on top...