The martyrdom of Julian Assange- when dissidents and patriots approach divinity
As Assange approaches divinity, his jailers will die in infamy.
The persecution of Julian Assange can only be seen as a public spectacle of the moral depravity of the Western status quo.
The persecutors of Julian Assange may think they are making some pertinent point with their merciless torture of Julian Assange. In fact they are staging a grotesque self-incriminating burlesque revealing their purely evil and despotic natures. Burning so-called witches at the stake public for the whole world to see is pure lunacy on their part.
I hope Assange in his solitary confinement draws inspiration from the fact that every day he serves further incriminates the despotism and inhumanity of his jailers as their contempt for the rule of law, their willingness to destroy the integrity of the courts, to subvert freedom of the press and speech becomes etched in the historic record for all time.
Assange’s martyrdom can be compared to the Quantanamo torture center maintained by the US for alleged 9/11 terrorists. Both are a stunning display of irrational wrath and the pure evil of despots. The captives and tortured become an indictment of the vileness of a status quo gone mad where it rips up cherished human rights and blows up the pillars of civility and democracy.
The martyrdom of Julian Assange takes the measure of how desperate his jailers are to cover their tracks, and their evil doings.
His martyrdom takes the measure of how corrupt the Western media has become, bought and paid by the gods of war. The colleagues who should stand with him in solidarity are pay check propagandists.
His jailers may think Assange is in the stalks of public humiliation but it is they who are self-immolating. As Assange approaches sainthood, his jailers will rot in hell. What ever his future may be the name “ Julian Assange” is etched in history for all time as a another pathetic chapter in these very dark times . His name will be an inspiration to future generations and a reminder of the moral depravity of his jailers and their desperation to cover their incessant evil.
The martyrdom of Assange serves to amplify the tyranny of the despots and makes his“whistle blowing” presence louder and shriller as the very mention of his name is a rallying cry impeaching their evil intentions.
Hillary Clinton sees herself as the grand madame of the Democratic Party when in fact she is the Queen of Chaos. She ran against Donald Trump for president and lost in large part because her political resume was so tarnished.
She is also the Democratic Party’s patron saint of Russiaphobia. For her, everything wrong with America is caused by Russia. Putin for her is the new Hitler, forgetting that Russia crushed Hitler saving the West 80 years ago. She forgets Putin is fighting fascists in Ukraine just as Russia did in 1943. She is also a devotee of American “exceptionalism” as it demonstrates before the world its vile nature, past and present.
When it comes to Julian Assange she is right on key accusing him of being a Russian asset. When she makes such an accusation she opens herself to self-mockery as she and her party have scapegoated Russia to such an extent its credibility is on the rocks.
Clinton hates Assange and Putin for the same reason—both in their own right are strong presences who challenge her and her party’s nefarious agenda.
Clinton is a victim of the gaudy transparency of her self-serving political ambitions. Her and Biden have yet to learn you can only cry wolf so many times before the audience laughs in your face and their lies have crystal clear transparency.
Persistent despotism creates a glowing transparency where dissidents become patriots and martyrs rise to sainthood.
For Clinton and her wayward Democrats there is no redemption where there is no atonement.
As it is, Assange approaches divinity, his jailers die in infamy.
In case you missed it:
They might die in infamy but...not before having killed how many more?