Changes that should have happened seventy-five years ago are still outstanding.
The West is running late with little time to waste.
The West must start seeing the world as it is, not through the crippled vision of war mongers and megalomaniacs.
After the greatest war ever fought ending in 1945 plans were advancing to establish world peace and prosperity led by the US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his vice-president Henry Wallace. Roosevelt’s premature death was a blow against peace for the world. Wallace attempted to advance the Roosevelt Doctrine for peace but was beaten down by Truman’s cold warriors who started a whole new era of hot and cold wars which is where we are today.
America was the only major power left standing at the end of the war with a robust economy and well positioned to take advantage of countries in various states of recovery. Its aggression forced the the hand of USSR in the first Cold War just as its aggression toward Russia and China today serve its hegemonic ambitions.
Even before the end of WW ll plans were being laid for war against the USSR, now Russia. It was hoped that Hitler and Stalin would beat each other to a pulp and the West’s cold warriors could march in and take over the Russian “heartland” and eventually China.
To further consolidate their agenda the cold warriors also rendered the 1960’s as the decade of assassinations, where the Kennedy brothers, King, Malcolm X, Merton and others were first causalities of a new war on the world.
Today’s world crisis has its roots in the 1950’s and 1960’s when America became the new warfare state, NATO was established and the pursuit of full spectrum dominance was underway, and the serial warfare and interventions this would necessitate.
The threat of communism became the pretext for war against Russia and the McCarthy hearings of 1957 were used to vilify communism and implant the culture of fear in America and its Western satellites. Russia, it was claimed, was hell bent on global supremacy with communism as its weapon of colonization. A claim that was fatuous as Russia took the greatest losses of WW II and was in no position to pursue global hegemony.
Russia was the designated nemesis and scapegoat for America’s ambitions using heavy-handed imperialism modeled after the defunct British empire. Where the US already had a history of imperialism and foreign interventions Russia did not.
Over many decades Western populations have been propagandized into a deeply rooted contempt for Russia and this serves to deepen the crisis to this day. The USA has been playing the game of ethnocentrism for too long.
We fail to see how wars waged elsewhere inflict such grievous harm on our own societies. In an over populated world ,highly integrated economically, and complex, we are in an era where wars are totally Pyrrhic- no winners just losers.
We might ask ourselves why do we need a multipolar world? The answer stares us in the face — the unipolar world has been an absolute disaster with tens of millions dead and trillions of dollars wasted on militarism, better spent ,and much needed elsewhere. The unipolar world has been a complete dumbing down of Western civilization. We might conclude the last seventy five years has been a protracted sequel to WW II with us on the wrong side of history.
The term “cold war” is no more than a euphemism for rampant militarism, hot wars and interventions pockmarking the planet. The Ukraine conflict is another chapter in the West’s delusional pursuit of global hegemony.
The Great Countervail
With the 1991 collapse of the USSR the world was set on a course for the crisis we are now living. With the Soviet collapse there was a huge peace dividend to be rendered; but western powers saw it as a triumph for exploitation and a clearing of the way for the unchallenged pursuit of global hegemony. As Truman saw at the end of WW ll, and the testing of the world’s first nuclear bomb, America was free to do what it wanted with impunity.
There were no challengers to its dominance and it openly stated its intentions in doctrines including the PNAC, Full Spectrum Domination, Wolfowitz Doctrine,the Bush ll Doctrine. The Truman doctrine had been renewed and was now on steroids. Bush ll’s war on terror in the aftermath of 9/11 was just another chapter in America’s war on the world.
While America was waging its war on the world, Russia and China as the two only sovereign countries in the world were rebuilding their economies and greater prosperity for their populations. Their economic success was a direct challenge to the doctrines above and were a countervail to Western domination of the world. To continue their success they have moved away from the West, and its deeply rooted tyrannies, endless war being the most conspicuous, and establish their own modus operandi .
Where there was another golden opportunity for greater world peace and harmony the West has only been capable of more war and strife, showing how deeply enslaved it is to its warfare culture .
There is a vocabulary the world should be using now. The very issues we should be discussing are vehemently avoided. “ Countervail” is one of them, as it offsets big power rivalries and encourages rapprochement, detente, and reciprocity recognizing that endless war benefits no one .
Russia and China represent a countervail to America’s unipolar global dominance, neither want war, but the West speaks only speaks the language of war.
Stuck in the 20th century, we should be defining new and better futures for all.
War As Revelation
The Ukraine conflict is one war too many for NATO, not only did it recklessly provoke a war that would blow back on its own members, it misjudged Russia’s ability to withstand economic sanctions and its ability to wage a competent military response. Where so many like to believe this was Russian aggression it is proven to be another imperialist foray against Russia using Ukraine as its Trojan horse.
In the context of history the West has been at war with both Russia and China for a very long time. A war based on greed and envy as Eurasia is the “heartland” of the global geopolitical chessboard and the West insists on playing its winner take all gambits, holding the world hostage to its delusional ambitions.
When NATO luminaries speak of peace and freedom for Ukraine they are the global pyromanics who torched the conflict as they have so many others.
The greatest revelation of the Ukraine conflict is to openly reveal the West’s hegemonic agenda once and for all, openly stated by loose-lipped gloating Western politicians. To counteract the revelation the Western media has been enlisted as propagandist extraordinaire attempting to cover the truth. Its blatant deceit has rendered it another casualty of war.
The conduct of the war by NATO has been another of its serial fiasco’s. It prepared Ukraine for this war for eight years (2014-2022). After the see-saw battles of the first few months Russia came to dominate. Where it has been open to negotiations from the outset NATO insists on escalation and has sabotaged every attempt for a negotiated settlement..
NATO has fought a helter-skelter rearguard war leaving its puppet-proxy petitioning for more cash and resources, arriving late in the game in insufficient numbers. Promised F-16 fighter jets won’t be available until next year and it will take18 months to train Ukrainian pilots.
Out of the fog of war great clarity arrives. NATO must bear responsibility for another of its imperialist wars. No amount of propaganda can destroy the truths of history, especially in a world where egregious lies have been told too many times too often.
The Transition to the Multipolar World
Transitions can be bloody or they can be peaceful. So far the West has insisted on hybrid warfare to thwart progress to an essential multipolarism. In1945 and1991 it blocked any move to a peaceful co-existence of all nations where a level of harmony would prevail over hostility. It cannot be allowed to block this transition again.
The vainglorious West likes to see it self as the center of the universe which we are not. We are (as illustrated above) a lacework of cultures sharing the globe and must be seen as such.
The emerging multipolar world is not some malevolent aggression directed at the West. It is the return of the world to a more harmonious state of equilibrium. Lacking this equilibrium robs us all of freedom and prosperity.
It is a recognition that the age of imperialism has come to an end and every country has a right to self-determination.
The longer the West wages wars, the more legitimacy the multipolar world gains; and the harder it becomes to hold its populations in bondage to war.
Multipolarity is a revolution in how we perceive the world and adopting the mindset that builds for the future, rather than demolishing it.
We should look at the emerging multipolar world as a renaissance not a threat.
In case you missed it: