Netanyahu is the new Zelensky; Welcome to WW III
Just as Washington used Zelensky's Ukraine as a proxy for war against Russia, Now Netanyahu's Israel is proxy for provoking a greater war in the Middle East.
Netanyahu as the child killer is doing Washington’s dirty work using the Gaza genocide to lure Middle Eastern oil states into a major war to get control of the world’s oil supply and key shipping routes. Iran is the main target as the most strategic.
Very important video below with critically important content!
Genocide is in itself an atrocity, using it as bait for a larger war compounds the atrocity multifold. Netanyahu is doing what he does with Washington’s full blessing. As usual Washington is using a proxy, and a very willing one. Netanyahu’s ambitions of a greater Israel coincide with Washington’s burning desire to control the Middle East.
Where Zelensky was thrown under the bus, Netanyahu will ride the limo.
Where the Ukraine conflict was a preliminary round this is shaping up as the main event. This will be war on a much larger scale with both Russia and China drawn in.
With the emergence of the multipolar world Washington is desperate. This is its last opportunity to achieve it delusional dream of global hegemony. You might say this is Washington’s Hail Mary pass into end zone in the dying moments of a football game where everybody could lose— the football could be nuclear.
It is the global serial killer waging war where and when it wants with no regard for the lives of others and the rights of other nations to peacefully co-exist. It is playing an all-in game of winner takes all.
It does not care if it is regarded as the world’s pariah state as long it has ultimate control. Just as it has done in the past it will continue to rule with fear, violence and intimidation. It is a parasitic warfare state willing to betray friend and foe alike.
It is incapable of diplomacy and reconciliation with the global community.
Planet Earth for our own survival must become multipolar where peace prevails and we are focused on sustainability and building better lives for all. Washington’s motives, values, and parasitism are completely repugnant to global survival.
It is the bitter spoiler, the traumatized child, who can’t have its own way and in its rage willing to destroy all.
Below is a Video by Journalist Ben Norton and Economist Dr. Michael Hudson. They are two of the world’s most astute analysts. In this video they provide a clear picture of the world situation and how potentially explosive it is.
I urge you to consider the content of this video very carefully and share it with friends. Here is a transcript of the video.
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Like the Zelensky comparison!
Again and again, the real problem are American Nazi Criminals that want Europe down as in WWII when they supported old Nazi until was convenient for United Criminals of America. First Ukraine and Russia (major EU partner in business exchange not only energy) now Middle East.
Middle East is not China or Taiwan respect to Europe... they are our neighborhood, we belong each other for culture, philosophy and many things, for thousands of years before the other nazi British started their Empire. And the new Nazi American Empire is nothing else than British's grandchildren.
Brexit was not a coincidence few years ago... think about it...
If...and it is a big IF, the Arab nations would stop backstabbing each other and unite...the Middle East (including israel) we know today would cease to exist. Is Washington promising every country in that region something else...and these differences keep colliding?